Freelance Motivation - Archive

A Newbie’s Guide: Web Design in the Landscape of SaaS

Nothing compares to sitting in a well-styled and comfortable café, like the one I’m currently in while visiting my home country, Norway, for a short trip. Three women with newborn babies gather at a sofa lounge to talk baby stuff. One of them has a 7-year-old boy who keeps staring at me.

How to start a Web Design project as a beginner

5 Steps on How to Start a Web Design Project as a Beginner

Making a website in 2020 is easy, and fast. It’s also not hard to get paid for making that website. As a new freelancer you may know how to use Divi or Oxygen and make websites, but how do you go about starting a job for a new client? I will share my typical workflow on how to start a client Web Design project and the tools I use.

How can I become a Web Designer without coding?

Can I Become a Web Designer Without Coding Skills?

When school sucks and any random employee job sucks more, you may be looking to become a proficient Web Designer with regular clients that love you and your work. Then you ask, can I become a web designer without coding skills? Yes you can, and I will tell you why and how in this article.