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Affiliate Disclaimer

On this website ( we guide and help readers, Freelancers, and seekers of knowledge to find useful information, resources, tools and services. Our intention is to share the best tips we can find for that.

Since we have a lot of experience of what resources could be good for our readers, we provide links to those resources. And often, we will have an affiliate partnership with many of those services.

That is when we will use and share our affiliate links with you. A common practice to make our business improve online.

Just like you should do if you try to make a living having your own online business.

We will regularly use affiliate links to recommended resources, tools and services. We only recommend what we consider quality resources.

Sometimes there will be a commission to us when visitors click those links and sign up for a resource or service.

Those commission can be a small one-time payment, or a small monthly recurring revenue in the case users sign up for a monthly service.

To you as a visitor, there will be no fees or lesser benefit. In some cases, our affiliate or partner links may benefit you.