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Book Resources and Links

Thank you for checking out my books. To find all the resources you need to follow my process and use the right tools, look over this page.
Note Jan 13th: Resource page for "Passive & Recurring Income for Freelancers and Creatives" is coming in a few days.

Book Section One

Hosting for beginners and suggestions for WordPress professional page-builders.
Dreamhost HostingBricks BuilderOxygen Builder

Book Section Two

Creator tools and services for invoicing and online payments.
Fiverr Logo MakerLooka logo makerWaveApps InvoicingFreeAgent AccountingInvoice2GoStripe Payments

Book Section Four

Suggestions mentioned in this section. 
Web Designers Pricing Guide

Book Section Five

Apps and online tools to manage projects and tasks. 
Basecamp Project ManagementPlutio Project ManagementTrello Project ManagementTickTick Task Manager